Oliver, 28, Documentary maker, comments:

well I had a read of your website whilst daintily eating my cucumber sandwiches at lunch and I can tell you I nearly choked on said cucumber and fell over my lunch box when faced with the question of whether the cum shot should make it into mainstream television. It certainly got me riled.

There's a possibility it might lead to true sexual liberation (unproven), but if porn represents lust then lust has to be sated. And once its sated you lust for more.

I know people who now can't get off on anything less than dwarf porn, and I wouldn't want them in my house.

It may or may not be harmful to its producer, but pornographery can certainly corrupt its consumer. Some people are able to say when enough's enough (normally when they can no longer look themselves in the eye) but by putting cum shots on 'mainstream' TV you\'r taking that responsibility away from the individual. And that's wrong

Cum shots on mainstream TV? whats next? BCU shots of botty penetration on after the news?

Where's my f**king Daily Mail..

Paul, 24, accountant, comments:

well, call me a prude and all that, but i think that the sexualisation of society has gone too far. It's one thing to market pop songs with shots of pretty girls, but this is just a crass attempt to link music to sexual ability. If we have this sort of thinly-veiled smut on mainstream daytime tv, then how long before we get full-blow penetrative sex? what kind of message does this send out to the young people of today? sex is just a bit of fun, pornographic sex is fine, it's okay to treat women as nothing more than sex objects. I'm not a Mail reader, but I do think it's wrong and disgusting, and the fact that we are overwhelmed by teenage mothers, well, you probably don't have to look too far to see why!

Pete S, 26, consultant, comments:

Oh, for f**k's sake - what\'s the problem here? Basically, if you look at that video - and Ive seen it - and read it as a cum-shot then that means that you are ALREADY aware of what a cum-shot is. It\'s like that optical illusion that is either a school of dolphins or a woman being taken from behind depending on what you see in it. The kids who watch it who don't know about porn will just see a woman being covered in milkshake, the one's who see it as a money-shot have already been 'corrupted', so it's too late to preserve their 'innocence'. As always, what people hate about this - if they do - is not what it is, but the fact that it taps into their own dirty minds, and reminds them that however much they may not like it, they have a sex drive too. It's their problem, because they think sex is dirty. end of.