Sophie, 28, Legal, comments:

Ok, not an easy topic. Yes, Bush is an absolute idiot and the NP Treaty reeks of hypocrisy. BUT what about Iranís progression towards developing a P-2 centrifuge and the active uranium enrichment programme which theyíd been covertly running for 18 years, until the UN uncovered it in 2003? This isnít just blustering on the part of AhmedinejadÖ

Iran contends it did not disclose details of its development of P-2 centrifuge to the IAEA because of ìtime constraintsî. Come on. Do you really trust this? This is the centrifuge which will enable it to develop nuclear weapons. Its been developing P-2 centrifuge components domestically since 1994 and have only just conceeded this, under pressure from the IAEA.