George, 23, City Boy, comments:

Why should I take any notice of what other people want me to watch? If we don't want choice, how come everyone's always complaining that there's nothing on TV, even when we have 500 channels!
Agree about the hospitals though, I'm no doctor.

Eoin, 24, Slacker, comments:

You're both wrong. Firstly, to follow your example, doctors are quite often dickheads. Especially if all the cunting med students I've known are anything to go by. I had to tell the doctor my uncle had cancer, based on about three hours of my own research. By the time I'd convinced him, my uncle had died of cancer. A little democratisation of knowledge is better than the tyranny of esoteric professionalism. Second. People don't want things thrust upon them, they're just a bit lazy. Mainly a lot lazy. And often stupid. All we want is to be able to choose when we want, based on good advice. Freedom of choice is dead, long live the Choice to Choose! And someone to do it for us when we can't be arsed.